WIN a Workday Tri-Blend T-Shirt

WIN a Workday Tri-Blend T-Shirt

We’re now five months out from the projected summer launch of Workday at W&L. Training modules for employees are being customized and developed over the coming weeks and will be announced as we get closer to Spring. Stay tuned to the Project Workday Website...
Testing and More Testing is the Name of the Game

Testing and More Testing is the Name of the Game

The Project Workday Team is now in the 5th week of unit testing and making a significant amount of progress. In fact, when compared to the timeline projections of similar organizations, W&L is actually ahead of schedule. This is no doubt a reflection of the hard...
Win a Tritan Water Bottle with Solar Lantern

Win a Tritan Water Bottle with Solar Lantern

The Workday project team has continued their comprehensive efforts in the Unit Testing phase throughout the week. The conference room in 2 S Main has been buzzing with activity. Business process scenarios are being examined by dedicated team members to ensure...
Have You Read About the Latest Quiz Contest?

Have You Read About the Latest Quiz Contest?

The results from Workday Quiz #4 are in. We ended up with 38 total faculty and staff taking part in the challenge. The quiz question, which focused on a concept relevant to security, was answered successfully by most. Take a look at the results below.   Does...
Check Your Knowledge with Workday Quiz #4

Check Your Knowledge with Workday Quiz #4

During the first full week back from Winter Break, the Workday team will begin the “Unit Testing” phase of the project. This means the hundreds of business processes that were identified and configured over the course of the past few months will be tested....
Find Out Who Won Prizes From Workday Quiz #3

Find Out Who Won Prizes From Workday Quiz #3

We successfully wrapped up Workday Quiz #3, just before the start of Winter Break. The question we used turned out to be a bit tricky, as evidenced by a lower percentage of correct responses when compared to the first two challenge questions (see results below). The...
The Workday Quiz Challenges are a Big Hit

The Workday Quiz Challenges are a Big Hit

The Workday project team would like to thank everyone who attended this week’s Winter Academy session. The turnout was BIG, the presentations were excellent, and the participant questions were very insightful. As we move closer to spring, we will announce...